Private Christian school located in Chesapeake, VA Learn More (757) 482-9557

Kindergarten – 8th Grade

MPCS Kindergarten – 8th Grade

Click here for the MPCS PreK

Mission Statement

As a witness of God’s love in the world, Mt. Pleasant Christian School, in partnership with parents, is dedicated to the teaching of God-given truth, the nurturing of faith, and the development of individual learning potential.

Statement of Faith

God, the creator of the universe, exists in three persons- the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  Jesus Christ died, shedding his blood for our sins, and was raised again from the dead.  Our sin separates us from God, but all can become His children through repentance and acceptance of Jesus as our personal Savior and Lord.  The Holy Spirit lives in the believer and enables him to walk in submission to the will of God.  The Bible is God’s truth and reveals the only way to know reality and fulfillment in life. 

Philosophy and Purpose

The educational philosophy of Mt. Pleasant Christian School is three-fold:

  • Christian education starts at home.  Our goal is to work with parents to lead children to a personal commitment to Jesus Christ and to disciple them in   their Christian walk.
  • All truth is God-given and needs to be taught from God’s perspective.  He is Creator, Savior, and Lord.  We seek to relate God and His Word to all areas of study and daily life.
  • The school administration, staff, and students should seek to further God’s kingdom and to be a witness of God’s love in the community.

Nondiscriminatory Policy

Mt. Pleasant Christian School admits qualified students of any age, race, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to the students at the school.  MPCS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of school policies or programs.


Our goal is to create an environment which will nurture the students’ spiritual, academic, and social growth.  This includes daily worship experiences, instruction in the Bible, and regular chapel times.  Our curriculum uses standard textbooks taught in the light of Biblical truth.  Our teachers are academically qualified and, even more importantly, dedicated to Christian service.

Outdoor play and guidance toward healthy relationships with classmates are a part of the educational experience.  Field trips, guest speakers, special projects, and presentation of public programs also provide learning experiences and educational enrichment.  Each classroom has computers in them which are connected to the internet.  These are used for Accelerated Reader testing, research and enrichment activities.

Extracurricular Activities

  • Intramural Sports:  Coed teams from grades 4-8 compete after school in soccer, basketball, flag football or softball.  Students may sign up for one or all of the sports offered.
  • Competitive Sports:  Sports teams play other schools within the region.  Currently, we have basketball, cheerleading, and soccer teams, but are looking to expand.
  • Praise and Worship Team:  Students in grades 4-8 may join the team to lead in music during weekly chapels and to minister in churches when invited.  Members are expected to demonstrate a consistent lifestyle and character that honors God.
  • Sign Club-  The Sign Club meets once a week to learn to sign with worship songs in Chapel.
  • Run Club-  The run club meets in preparation for a local event determined each year.
  • Theater Club- The theater club puts on a production once a year, in the second semester.

Other clubs may be formed as interest occurs.

Parent Involvement

You can be a partner in your child’s education by participating in the following ways:

  • Maintain a positive attitude toward school attendance.
  • Communicate regularly with the teacher and principal.
  • Assist with homework and look over completed tests and papers brought home by your child.
  • Volunteer to help in the classroom, lunchroom, intramurals or sports team, or library.  Each teacher will have specific suggestions.
  • Assist with fund-raising events.
  • Attend school functions.
  • Pray regularly for the students and staff.

The School Day

Students begin entering
First bell
Tardy bell
K-2 Lunch
3 – 5 Lunch
1/2 day pre-k dismissal
12:00 – 12:30
Pre-K Lunch
12:05 – 12:30
3 – 8 Lunch
Dismissal for Pre-K – 5th
Middle school dismissal

Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures

Morning Drop-off Routines

If you drop off your child before 8:15, they will be signed into before care and you will be charged $3.50 for each hour or portion of an hour.  The front doors will be opened at 8:15. You may either park in a parking spot or wait in the drop-off line. If you choose to park, please walk your child to the door, using the sidewalks and crossing areas. If you choose the drop-off line, please have your child ready to exit the car quickly when you arrive at the porch.  stop so that three cars may unload at once. The driver may not exit the car.  If the driver has to exit the car or your child is not ready to exit immediately, please move to a parking space. There is only one lane of traffic. Do not pass in the drop-off line. The circle and the middle drive through the front lot are ONE WAY only. Please be patient as our student population has grown and we want to keep everyone safe. Drop-off is between 8:15 and 8:30. The tardy bell will ring at 8:35 and everyone should be in their seats ready for school by 8:35. Students not in their rooms ready for the day by 8:35 will be considered tardy and this will be reflected on their report card.  Please share all of this information with anyone who may drop off your child.

Afternoon Pick-up Routines

To pick up your child at dismissal, please park in an appropriate spot.  The front row parking is reserved for those with a parking pass from the office or a handicapped license plate.  Parking passes are available in the office for those who leave a younger child in the car or those with a physical condition that makes walking inadvisable. Please let your child’s teacher know you have your child and then, please keep your child with you. They should not roam freely around the school grounds.  All students not picked up by 3:15 will be signed into aftercare.

Before and After-School Care

Before school care is available beginning at 6:30 in the morning.  The cost will be $5.25 if the student arrives before 7:00 and $3.50 if the student arrives before 8:00. After school care is available until 6:00P.M. on full days of school.   The cost is $3.50 per hour or portion of that a student is in after-care.  There is no aftercare on half day dismissal days.


If a student is not in their classroom by 8:35 they are tardy.  The tardy will be considered unexcused unless a note is provided due to an appointment or other appropriate reason.


If a student must miss school, he or she must bring a note that includes the date of the absence, the reason for the absence, and the parent’s signature. If a child arrives before 10:00 they are considered tardy.  If they arrive after 10 they will have a half-day absence.  If they leave before 1:30, they will have a half-day absence.  If they leave after 1:30, they will receive credit for a full day.

Absences may be excused for sickness, medical appointments, deaths, family obligations where the child’s absence is necessary, or for any reason approved by the principal. If a returning student does not bring an excuse note, the absence will not be excused until a note from the parent is received.  A note is needed even if the reason has been given by telephone or in person.

If 15 or more days are missed in one semester or 30 or more in one school year, the teacher and parent must make a plan for the work to be made up (not only homework, but class time learning as well.)   Otherwise, it may be necessary to retain the student.

Students may be excused for trips in which their parents want them to be involved if the teacher is notified ahead of time.  This advance notification should be equal to the length of the absence.  Please give the teacher a written notification.

Work missed should be made up as soon as possible, at least within twice the amount of time that was missed.  Work or tests assigned before the absence which falls due on the date of the absence or the following day should be turned in or taken on the day the student returns to school.  An exception to this can be made if there is a note from the parent stating that no studying could be done during the illness.  A test could then be delayed at the discretion of the teacher.

Any student who has a fever (above 100), vomits, or has diarrhea must stay out of school.  Please don’t send your child back until they have been symptom-free for 24 hours without medication.

Students who have lice must remain out of school until completely free of both lice and nits.

Physical Education Requirements

Students are required to wear athletic-style tennis shoes for P.E.  Shoes should be securely tied and stay on during activities.  Girls wearing skirts or dresses should wear shorts underneath.  Clothes worn on P.E. days should be comfortable and modest enough to be able to participate in a variety of activities.  Belts are recommended for pants that have belt loops so that they will stay comfortably up.  Students not following these requirements will not be allowed to participate.

Grades 5-8 will receive a letter grade for P.E. based on skill, improvement, participation, sportsmanship, physical fitness, and written rules tests.  The Presidential Fitness Test will be given in the fall and spring. The grade will be negatively affected if the student cannot participate because the shoe or clothing requirements have not been followed.

If a student needs to be excused from P.E. for health reasons, he or she must provide a signed note from the parent with the date and the reason.  A doctor’s note is needed for an extended excuse.  Work will be given to be done during the P.E. time, which will be graded.

Discipline (PK-5)

The teachers’ goal is to prevent behavior problems by making rules and expectations clear and by keeping students actively involved and interested.

When a student has willfully violated school rules or defied the authority of the teacher, the student will be sent to the office.  Any student sent to the office may be placed in time out for a specific period of time.  Parents will be notified if the offense is a serious offense or if the student’s behavior does not improve.  For more serious offenses or chronic misbehavior, in-school or out of school suspension may be necessary.

A student with severe or chronic behavior problems will be put on probation giving him/her the opportunity to correct the problem.  If improvement is not seen, the student will be dismissed or asked to leave the school.  A meeting with the parents and school staff, including the principal, will be held to state the reasons for the probation and the goals and length of the probation.

MPCS Middle School Code of Conduct and Discipline Policies

Every student at Mount Pleasant Christian School is expected to maintain self-discipline successfully so the school can provide a safe and secure learning environment. Disciplinary procedures are used to correct misbehavior, and instill self-discipline and accountability. To be effective, discipline is dependent on school and home communication and cooperation.  The types of offenses that will not be tolerated and could result in a referral are as follows but not limited to:

  • Inappropriate behavior/language
  • Profanity, cursing
  • Disrespect
  • Disobedience
  • Defiant behavior

Referrals will accumulate every year and consequences for each referral will be as follows:

1 – 2 Referrals  – Referral slip sent home to be signed by the parent, copy given to the office to be filed.  Conference requested if the administration, teacher,  or parent feels the need.

3 Referrals – ISS / Students will be sent to a designated area to complete daily schoolwork for the full day.

4 Referrals – OSS/1 day

5 Referrals –  OSS/ 3 day

Please note that any field trips, intramurals, or, any other school-related activities will be forfeited by the student when carrying out a suspension.

After 3 referrals are given, a behavioral conference will be required for both parents to attend along with teachers and principal to formulate a plan to help the student get back on a more positive track.

If a student is asked to leave a class due to behavioral disrespect/misconduct a parent may be asked to come pick the student up immediately.

Bullying Policy

Mt. Pleasant Christian School does not tolerate bullying in any of its forms. We define bullying as:

Any intentional  written, verbal or physical act, when the act:

  1. Physically or emotionally harms a student or damages the student’s property
  2. Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education.
  3. Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment.
  4. Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.

Harassment, intimidation, or bullying is conduct that disrupts both a student’s ability to learn and a school’s ability to educate its students in a safe environment.

If it is determined that a student is engaged in “bullying behavior”, discipline and counseling must occur.  If the behavior is extreme, the student may be removed from class or suspended from school for a given amount of time without following the normal steps in the discipline plan.

Please note: Sometimes students, especially when they are very young, have not developed the interpersonal skills necessary to express their needs and feelings. Therefore, sometimes students will be mean to each other or physically hurt each other occasionally. We do not consider this occasional misbehavior “bullying.”  In these instances, the teachers and staff will attempt to work with these students to help them express themselves with words and good choices when faced with an undesirable situation.

Cell Phone Policy

Students are not permitted to use their cell phones at any time during the school day, including before and after care unless they are given individual permission.  Cell phone use will be allowed for picture-taking purposes only during field trips.  This also includes the travel time in the vehicles to and from the field trips.  The pictures cannot be shared until the student has left the school for the day.


Any student not retaining a 2.0 grade average or is failing 2 or more classes will not be able to participate in any school-related or school-sponsored extra-curricular activities to include intramurals, travel sports, theater productions, and mission trips.

Dress Code

MPCS Kindergarten-Fifth Dress Code

Mt. Pleasant Christian School reserves the right to make decisions on what is appropriate to wear and what isn’t during the school year. Students and parents will be given full notice of any changes.

Students are to dress in a manner that is appropriate for a Christian school. Cleanliness, neatness, and modesty are the standards. Dress should not be a distraction to the learning atmosphere of the classroom. Appropriate student dress is the responsibility of the parents. When in doubt, choose not to send students in questionable articles of clothing.

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”
1 Peter 3: 3-4


  • Leggings are not a substitute for pants so they must be worn with a shirt/dress that covers the bottom.
  • Pants should cover the leg but not be so long the student walks or can trip on the hem.
  • Skirts or shorts should come to the knee. (Fingertip length shorts are acceptable in Pre-K and Kindergarten.)
  • Skirts should have shorts worn underneath.
  • Jeans that fit appropriately and do not have holes or fringes are acceptable. Pants must be high enough and shirts long enough that no back is exposed when sitting down.


  • Inappropriate pictures or messages may not be worn.
  • No tank tops, short tops, low-cut tops, or sleeveless tops.
  • The midriff should not be visible if arms are raised above the head.
  • Shoulders should be covered.
  • Undergarments should not be shown at any time.


  • Hair should be clean, and neat, and it should not obstruct the face.
  • Hair coloring should be a natural color, including hair extension pieces.
  • No irregular shaving allowed.


  • Athletic shoes are to be worn for PE. Shoes should be secure enough to not come off in normal PE activities. Students without appropriate shoes will not be allowed to participate in PE and this will affect their PE grade.


  • Hats or hoods may not be worn indoors.

Unacceptable school wear

  • Compression pants under shorts, unless outer shorts come to the knee
  • Pajamas unless it is a Spirit Day
  • Sundresses
  • Tight fitting pants
  • Flip-flops
  • Sandals without a heel strap
  • Sleeveless tops or dresses

After School and Extra-curricular activities

  • Casual-style shorts or athletic shorts are allowed but may not exceed 4 inches above the knee cap.

Dress Code Violation

  • A student with a dress code violation should be spoken to by the teacher or front office. If the offense is repeated, the teacher should send home a dress code violation note to be signed. If the clothing is too short or tight, we will do our best to find appropriate knee-length clothes for the student to wear.

MPCS Middle School Dress Code

Mt. Pleasant Christian School reserves the right to make decisions on what is appropriate to wear and what isn’t during the school year. Students and parents will be given full notice of any changes.

Students are to dress in a manner that is appropriate for a Christian school. Cleanliness, neatness, and modesty are the standards. Dress should not be a distraction to the learning atmosphere of the classroom. Appropriate student dress is the responsibility of the parents. When in doubt, choose not to send students in questionable articles of clothing.

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”
1 Peter 3: 3-4


  • Properly fitting jeans, khakis, and athletic pants (not sweat pants made of sweatshirt material with a tied waist and elastic at the ankle) will be allowed; tight-fitting pants, leggings, and tights may only be worn if the accompanying top goes to the knee.
  • Pants should be wrinkle-free, well-fitting, clean, fringe and hole free.
  • Pants should cover the leg but not be so long the student walks or can trip on the hem.
  • Skirts, dresses, or shorts must come to the knee. If skirts or dresses are worn, shorts should be worn underneath.


  • Inappropriate pictures or messages may not be worn.
  • No tank tops, short tops, low-cut tops, or sleeveless tops.
  • The midriff should not be visible if arms are raised above the head.
  • Shoulders should be covered and undergarments should not be showing at any time.
  • If the shirt is at all sheer, a tank top or t-shirt should be worn underneath.


  • Hair should be clean, and neat, and should not obstruct the face.
  • Hair coloring should be a natural color, including hair extension pieces.
  • No irregular shaving allowed.


  • Athletic shoes are to be worn for PE. Shoes should be secure enough that they do not come off in normal PE activities. Students without appropriate shoes will not be allowed to participate in PE and this will affect their PE grade.
  • Crocs may be worn but must have a heel strap that is worn at all times and a change of shoes must be available for PE.


  • Hats or hoods may not be worn indoors.

Unacceptable school wear

  • Compression pants under shorts, unless outer shorts come to the knee
  • Pajamas unless it is a Spirit Day
  • Sundresses
  • Tight fitting pants
  • Flip-flops
  • Sandals without a heel strap
  • Sleeveless tops or dresses
  • Sweatpants

After School and Extra-curricular activities

  • Casual style shorts or athletic shorts are allowed but may not exceed 4 inches above the knee cap.

Dress Code Violation

  • In the event of a dress code violation, a student will be given a written warning to be signed by a parent or guardian. On the third dress code violation in a nine weeks a referral will be written.
  • After each nine weeks the dress code violations reset and are back to zero.

Parents and visitors are asked to follow the student dress code when in the school building or at school events such as intramural games.  This supports the students in respecting school standards.

Basic Rules of Conduct

  • Teachers and fellow students are to be treated with respect.
  • Name-calling, racially oriented jokes, and disparaging racial comments are not allowed.
  • No crude language or gestures.
  • Walk and talk quietly when inside the building.  When lining up after recess, get quiet before entering the building.  Avoid yelling or loud talking beside the windows and doorways.
  • Tripping, hitting, or kicking another student are not allowed.
  • Respect and care for school property is expected.  If a student intentionally destroys school property or damages school property through careless behavior or disobedience to school rules, that student will be expected to help repair or replace the property.
  • Healthful foods are recommended.  No trading, giving, or selling of food is allowed.  Chewing gum is not allowed. If you send microwave lunch meals, choose those with a very short preparation time.  Make sure that your child can open and prepare the food himself.
  • Students may not have weapons or simulated weapons at school.

Book Policy

If a textbook, workbook, or library book is damaged or lost, replacement at student cost is required.

Report Cards & Conferences

Report cards are sent home one week after the last day of each 9-week period.

Grade scale:

A+  100           A  95-99          A-  94

B+   93            B  87-92          B-  86

C+  84-85       C  79-83          C-  77-78

D+   76            D  71-75          D-  70

F     below 70

O- Outstanding S- Satisfactory  I- Improvement Needed   U- Unsatisfactory

Teachers will schedule at least one conference with parents during the year.  A parent may request a conference with the teacher or principal at any time.

Honor Roll is available for 3rd grade and above.  To be on the Principal’s List a student must receive no grade below A or S.  To be on the Honor Roll, a student must receive no grade below B or S and not have more B’s than A’s.

Promotion Requirements


In order to progress to the next grade level, the student must do passing work and be recommended by the teacher.  If subjects are failed, and the teacher and principal think the student can go on to the next grade, the school will consult with the parents about any makeup work to be done.

Grades 6, 7, & 8

A student who fails a subject may go on to the next grade if that course is made up in a summer school program.  A student who fails three or more subjects must repeat the entire grade.


All medications (prescription or non-prescription) to be administered at school must be brought to the office with a parental permission note.

All prescription medications to be administered at school must be brought to the office by the parent.  The medication must be in the original container and be accompanied by a Request for Medication Administration form.

Financial Policy

The fee for books and supplies is a non-refundable fee.  This is to be paid by July 15th.  Tuition is to be paid by August 15 in full (for a 5% discount) or in 10  equal monthly payments, August to May.

If you choose to make payments, the first payment is due by August 15.  Subsequent payments are due by the 15th of each month.  A $10 late fee will be added if payments are more than 10 days overdue.  A 2% monthly service charge will also be added to any balance which is more that 30 days overdue.  If a contract is 90 days in arrears, the student may not be permitted to attend classes.

Monthly statements will not be mailed.  You will receive a notice only if your payment is late.  If a student is withdrawn from school during any given semester, full payment for that semester is still due.  Report cards or records will not be released until all payments, including fees, fines, or late charges, are complete.

Post-dated checks do not constitute timely payments. Records or items associated with post-dated checks will be held until the check is valid.

Students will not be permitted to begin a school term until all fees for the preceding year have been paid in full.

Parties & Holidays

A parent may bring in refreshments for a child’s birthday if planned ahead of time with the teacher.  End of year parties and other social outings must be planned for after school hours.

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter parties are traditional at MPCS.  These are planned by the teachers with the help of room mothers.  Halloween is not celebrated.  The origins of holiday customs can be studied, but symbols such as Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny should not be the focus of holiday celebrations or decorations.  The holiday parties provide an opportunity to emphasize God’s goodness and love and his gift to us of His Son, Jesus.

At Christmas, students may exchange names for gift giving.  The students will be given a price limit for the gifts.  The gifts should be kept simple.  We also have a Christmas project to provide a chance for the students to give to others.

For parties outside of school, invitations may not be handed out at school unless the entire class is being invited.  Please be sensitive to the feelings of all students in the class.  Transportation arrangements must be made ahead of time, not at school.


Volunteers are important and valued at MPCS.  Volunteers always work under the direction of the classroom teacher.  The teacher is always responsible for the volunteer’s schedule, the lesson plans and the grading.  It is important for the teacher and volunteer to meet before the volunteer works in the classroom, to talk about what is to be taught.  Continued communication is important.

We ask that volunteers adhere to the student dress code as a minimum standard.  This sets a good example for our students.

Grievance Procedure

Any person having a school related concern should always talk first with the person directly involved or responsible. (Matthew 18:15-17)  Talking about a problem or person to others can be hurtful, spreads misunderstandings, and does not solve the problem.

If the problem cannot be resolved between the parties involved, it should be referred to the principal, or if the principal is involved, to the chairman of the Board of Directors.  Problems which cannot be resolved by working with the principal should also be referred to the Board Chairman.